Why We Need Affordable and Accessible Housing

As of our most recent census, over 40% of our neighbors were age 60 or above, 2,613 were living with a disability, and 649 were living in poverty.
Also census data, one third of Wilmette homeowners and renters were shelter burdened—spending too large a portion of their income on housing.
Since 1990, our rental stock has fallen by 17% with 225 units lost.
Divorce, unemployment, death of a spouse, retirement, illness, and disabilities are key factors contributing to housing stress.
“Aging in place” is recognized nationally as healthy for families and communities
After graduating from high school, our children living with disabilities must learn to live independently. Yet, many cannot afford to live in the community they know, where they can be close to friends and family and have access to familiar amenities.
Peer-reviewed studies from the National Housing Institute demonstrate that affordable housing maintains property values. Wilmette has four buildings for low and mixed-income seniors, and our property values remain high.